Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Snapz Magic


Marc Hausman said...

Hi Erin - great connecting with you on PROpenMic and exciting to see that you are an active blogger.

Last year I wrote a post that was critical of college students and their lack of engagement in social media:

Colleges Fail on Social Media

You're obviously proving me wrong.

Erin said...

Thanks, Marc! I strive to be active online, but sometimes I have to take breaks so I won't fall behind in school. It does tend to be rather time consuming once you really delve into social media and begin to like it.

Grady College at UGA (particularly the PR majors and New Media Institute... which I am a part of both) teach social media tactics as part of the curriculum. Sometimes when I step out of my "PR bubble," I am also amazed at the number of students who don't understand the power and influence social media has and can have on our lives.