Monday, September 8, 2008

Product Placement in Facebook

Week of 9/8
Okay, for some reason I have been on a product placement kick lately. I don't know why, but I think it is really cool. I just read an article about a study conducted in 2000, which reports that public relations firms are more enthusiastic about the future of product placements than are advertisers. I am definately one of the enthusiastic ones!

My personal favorite idea would be product placement within Facebook. It would be so easy! Facebook gives people the opportunity to create their own applications through the platform. Because you own the rights to any application you create, it would be so simple for someone to create an application that serves as a public relations product placement firm. This would enable companies to go straight to the source of who will be placing their product and get exactly what they want. It would work like any other application in Facebook, but when you see the product in your or some else's profile, you could click on it to go to the company's webpage.

I have a few other ideas on this topic, but I think that's enough "mind dumping" for now. What are your thoughts on product placement in social networks?

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