Monday, September 15, 2008

Go Ahead... Steal It!

When people lose their cellphones, they usually end up losing one-fourth of their lives or more. College students especially enjoy going onto Facebook and creating one of those "I lost my phone when I was drunk and now I need numbers" groups. But what if you didn't have to resort to such drastic measures? What if you could not only get your phone back, but find out who stole it?

Maverick Mobile Solutions has just invented an application to do just that. The application, called Maverick Secure Mobile, enables people to track the location of their phone, listen to phone calls, and play an obnoxious siren on the stolen phone. It does this through a technology called data encryption, which is activated when the theif replaces your sim card with his/hers.

Pretty cool! Want to know more? Click HERE!

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