Sunday, October 26, 2008

Virtual Revenge

Some people take things a little too seriously these days. But the question is... who? I say it's everyone.

A 43-year-old woman got so angry last May when her online husband in the Japanese game-world "Maple Story" divorced her that she hacked into his account and killed his digital persona. I'd say that's taking things a litlllllllllle too far.

But wait- it gets better! She was actually arrested on "suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data" last week. Apparently, she logged on using his user name and password via information she got from him while they were virtually married. The poor woman was arrested from her home and shipped 620 miles to be jailed in the town where her ex-husband lives, and she is facing up to five years in prison or a $5,000 fine if she is convicted.

I have to tell you, this scares me. I mean, my friend broke up with his Facebook-fiance to become Facebook-engaged to me. The "ex" got pretty angry, and wrote on my wall telling me that it was not okay that I stole her Facebook-boyfriend. What is she plotting against me!? And where are the police in this matter?!

Completely ridiculous.

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